Generally, the 5-alpha reductase enzyme is commonly classified as the enzyme that converts the male hormone testosterone into a much potent hormone dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT is thought to be the major culprit that causes hair loss in numerous men and women all over the world. Medical experts have confirmed that 5-alpha reductase enzyme was primarily discovered in the prostate of men wherein the enzyme modifies the conversion of the hormone testosterone into a damaging hormone called dihydrotestosterone. This entire process is considerably blameful to the condition that is enlargement of the prostate and the conversion can seemingly bind to the androgen receptor and hence initiates the gradual development of the external genitalia and prostate.
Medical scrutiny and examinations have proven that the 5-alpha reductase enzyme can also occur in the scalp of humans, particularly in the hair follicles and somewhere in the skin area wherein it usually scatter or distribute similar reaction as what it does in the prostate. It has been fully evaluated that the turmoil of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme activity in the skin cells can potentially contribute to male and female pattern baldness and can....