The product reviews of these sites were designed to accommodate the growing number of consumers who are looking for solutions to their hair loss concerns, but who are overwhelmed by the number of options on the market today. Alopecia, or hair loss, is more common than many people realize. According to the American Academy of dermatology, more than 50 million men in the United States alone suffer from hereditary alopecia, with women trailing close behind at 30 million.
The number of US dollars spent on hair regrowth products is even more staggering. The New York Times recently reported that Americans shelled out an estimated $176 million dollars on hair loss products in the year 2009 alone. These product review websites help consumers navigate the confusing world of hair loss treatments and hair regrowth products for men and women.
Hair loss treatments come in a variety of applications. Oral suspensions, dietary supplements, topical serums, and shampoos are among the many. Products for men and women also vary, due to the hormonal changes that typically lie at the root of the problem. The information from these websites serves to educate the public about these individual products, and also about hair loss in general. The reviews offer consumers comprehensive information and assessments that will help them choose the hair loss treatment that will best meet their individual need.
A variety of factors can contribute to alopecia, with hereditary being the most common. Recent surgery, medications, and hormonal changes can cause temporary hair loss. Malnutrition, illness, thyroid and autoimmune disorders could also play a role. While sudden or severe loss may be an indication of health concerns and require medical intervention, normal thinning and some hair loss can be expected as we age.
Hair follicles are established before birth, and their number is determined genetically. Hair is an appendage of the skin that grows out of the follicle. On the average, a healthy person can expect to lose 50 to 100 hairs each day, and these are replaced by new hairs. Baldness occurs when existing hair follicles stop producing hair cells. When the rate of hair loss begins to surpass the rate of replacement, people begin looking for ways to slow the process down.
Each of the comprehensive hair loss treatment reviews on the websites includes information on how the product is designed to work. It concludes whether or not the product actually seems to work, and offers testimonials by consumers who have actually used these products. In general, the objective of hair regrowth products is to rejuvenate the hair follicles, and encourage new growth.