#1 - Thinning characterizes most cases of female pattern balding.
Both men and women may experience hair thinning. In most balding men, however, thinning will eventually progress to full bald scalp areas. For most women who have hair loss conditions, this is just about as far as it goes. Women rarely ever go completely bald or suffer from bald patches. Females who do have full bald areas may be suffering from an autoimmune disorder or may have the kind of balding caused by tight hairstyles.
#2 - Numerous factors are involved in hair thinning in women.
Just as in men, hair fall in women may be influenced by hormone levels. In females, estrogen levels may sometimes drop, thus enabling dihydrotestosterone, a male hormone present in some levels in women to shrink hair follicles. This is why falling hair may be experienced after pregnancy or during menopause.
These are stages in which hormonal shifts may occur.
This is only half of the story though. Individuals with thin hair may also be affected by other factors. These include genetic predisposition, severe illness, stress and lack of proper nutrition.
#3 - There is no absolute cure for it.
Recent research, clinic procedures and a host of topical products seem to offer hope. It is important to immediately understand though that as of this writing, there is no absolute cure yet for hair loss in both genders. At the most, real effective and tested procedures can only go so far as to produce mild to moderate results. This fact alone should put you on the lookout for products that claim to be able to provide outstanding results.
#4 - It’s important to ask a doctor’s opinion.
As mentioned, there is more to the female hair condition than meets the eye. If you want to be certain about your overall health condition and your treatment of choice, you had better consult a doctor. A licensed medical practitioner will be able to rule out underlying medical conditions and recommend treatment options that are safe for you to take considering your gender, general health, age and condition.