These 3 myths about hair loss are among the most popular:
Myth 1: You can’t prevent hair loss.
Fact: No magic hair loss tonic exists, this much is true. However, certain products may be able to help you keep your hair fuller and longer.
Hair loss products containing the drug minoxidil have successfully regrown hair in many users. Other products are supplements made from natural ingredients that support healthy hair cells. A handful of products contain herbal ingredients plus Minoxidil in order to provide maximum regrowth benefits. You can purchase such hair loss products on the Web, at your local pharmacy and in some salons.
Myth 2: Brushing your hair too much leads to baldness.
Fact: Baldness isn’t caused by excessive brushing. The resting stage of the hair growth cycle causes the roots of the hair to collapse in preparation for new growth. This third resting stage causes roots to collapse to make way for brand-new hair cell growth.
Cells in the resting or telogen phase shed hair naturally because the hair has no anchor. When you brush, you’ll pull out many of these hairs, but they would have fallen out anyway, eventually. In 3–4 months when those cells re-awaken, they’ll grow new hair, barring any biological factors preventing this. Brushing your hair will certainly not make a difference one way or the other.
Myth 3: It’s possible to grow new hair follicles.
Fact: You’re born with all the hair follicles you’ll ever have. There is no way to increase the number of follicles one has.
Each follicle produces a single hair. As we age, follicles may quit producing due to genetics, environmental or health issues. Products that contain minoxidil can sometimes “wake up” those sleepy cells. They cannot, however, create new hair follicles.